- Development and derivation of possible emergency scenarios fortheelectrical operations management
- Development of an overarching emergency concept to maintain electrical operations management for a total of 9 nationwide regional control centers, taking into account site-specific requirements
- Creation of a valid emergency manual including site-specific annexe
- Development of a harmonizedprocessmodelforthe electricaloperationsmanagementfor a total of 9 nationwide regional controlcenters
- Development and differentiationofthesupportingprocessesintocentralized and decentralizedareasofresponsibility
- Transferring theprocessmodelintotheprocesslandscapeof DB Energie GmbH (SAP Signavio) and perform a detailed modeling oftheprocessesaccordingto BPMN 2.0
- Documentationofthe operational concept
- CONSULECTRA supportsthe sub-projects within theareaofprocessmanagementwith a focus on energyindustryrelatedtopics
- Support in thedevelopmentofoverarchingprocessmodelswithinthe sub-projects, takingintoaccounttherequirementsoftheregulatoryauthorities
- Modeling and technical release oftheprocessesidentified in the sub-projects accordingto BPMN 2.0
- A coherent interconnected control system is being implemented to integrate the network control tasks of a total of 9 nationwide regional control centres for the operation of the German Rail's electrical networks.
- The system was designed and put out to tender with the help of CONSULECTRA; it is currently in the implementation phase.
- CONSULECTRA has created a migration concept for the complex switchover and developed operating processes and an emergency concept.
- For the introduction of a network analysis platform, CONSULECTRA conducted an analysis of requirements and subsequently elaborated the specifications.
- The network analysis platform is intended to support the electricity supply system of German Rail by means of mass assessment and archiving of measurement data and fault reports.
- CONSULECTRA gave advice during the EU tender procedure and supports with the elaboration of the functional design specifications and the implementation of the platform.
DB Energie operates an own transmission- and distribution network at high-voltage level (110 kV, 16.7 Hz) for the nationwide distribution of electrical energy. The coordination and monitoring is ensured by the network-control-center "Hauptschaltleitung" (HSL). CONSULECTRA was commissioned to support the planning, procurement and implementation of the HSL and to ensure the functional future-proofing of the control system. The following project phases have been completed to date:
- Preliminary study (pre design planning) for the conceptual design of the renewal of the HSL (2022)
- Preparation of specifications (draft planning) for the renewal of the HSL (2022 - 2023)
- Supporting the tender and bid evaluation for the renewal of the HSL (since 2023)
Technical advice and support of the project management in the Redispatch 2.0 project
- Rough conception for the implementation of Redispatch 2.0
- Process analysis and determination of the affectedness
- IT target concept and determination of the need for action
- Development of an implementation concept as a basis for the following steps
- Support in the implementation of Redispatch 2.0 with regard to organisational measures, expansion, adaptation and introduction of IT systems and coordination with market partners
Technical consulting and support of the project management in the project Querverbundleitstelle 2.0
- Conceptual design and preparation of specifications for the renewal of the cross-connection control system within the scope of an upgrade
- Support with tender evaluation and awarding
- Accompaniment of the realisation in all project phases up to acceptance
- Review of the current redundancy concept – with regard to organisational and technical aspects – in the area of network control and determination of the need for action
- Conducting a risk analysis based on a structured as-is analysis and developing practical recommendations for action for the implementation of the previously developed redundancy concept for the control centre facilities of E.DIS Netz GmbH
- Analysis of the supporting processes for secondary technology (network control technology and telecontrol technology) and development of a process model
- Recording of the effort of the various tasks and activities of the process model
- Plausibility check of the recorded effort on the basis of benchmarks with comparable network operators
- Development of measures for reducing or shifting the workload
- Determination of the resulting personnel requirements for the defined task areas
- Development of job descriptions and qualification requirements for filling new positions
Technical advice in the Redispatch 2.0 project
- Rough conception for the implementation of Redispatch 2.0
- Process analysis and determination of the affectedness
- IT target concept and determination of the need for action
- Development of an implementation concept as a basis for the following steps
- Conducting a requirements analysis for the renewal of the cross-connection control system
- Preparation of a specification sheet for the preparation of the EU tendering procedure
- Accompaniment of the EU tender with decision recommendation for the award of contract
- Support in the preparation of specifications and realisation of the new cross-connection control system up to the acceptance date
- Project support for the procurement and introduction of a cross-network control system
- Elaboration of specifications
- Tendering and bid evaluation
- Project support with assistance in elaboration of functional specifications, functional testing (FAT, SAT) and acceptance
Support in the procurement of a fault management system to support the fault clearance processes with
- Requirement analysis and creation specifications
- Offer analysis for the procurement of a fault management system
- Project support for system introduction
- With the aim of replacing a large number of existing systems, we are supporting Stromnetz Berlin in the introduction of an Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) for the high-, medium- and low-voltage grid
- The ADMS was first designed and put out to tender together with Stromnetz Berlin, then the system analysis was supported
- CONSULECTRA is currently supporting the realisation phase of the ADMS and assisting in the management of the project programme "Betriebsführungskonzept - BFK Berlin".
- Project management and technical support in the Redispatch 2.0 project
- Concept development for mapping the redispatch processes in existing and new systems
- Evaluation of the offers obtained for the adaptation of existing software systems and for the creation of new software
- Support during implementation, including technical evaluation of the solution concepts and acceptance tests
- Concept study for the design of an assistance system in system management for the technical coordination of curative congestion management measures in real-time operation
- Development of different architecture concepts from fully integrated to modular with regard to functional areas such as SCADA, data management, process coupling, power-frequency controller, grid control network, online grid analysis, predictive grid analysis, dynamic grid security calculations
- Consideration of future developments and interfaces to other internal IT systems, to other European TSOs, to subordinate DNOs
- Evaluation of the concept approaches with regard to criteria such as maintainability, usability, hardware efficiency, functionality, reliability
IT sub-project management for the tender and introduction of a TSO platform for the Europe-wide optimisation of secondary control power deployment as part of the PICASSO project (Platform for the International Coordination of Automated Frequency Restoration and Stable System Operation)
- Requirements specification
- Bid evaluation
- Project support with assistance in drawing up specifications, functional tests (FAT, SAT) and acceptance
- Development of a concept for a platform for advanced network analysis to create greater vendor independence, increase flexibility for the development and introduction of new applications with minimal impact on ongoing operations of management processes
- Functional concept with analysis of the relevant processes and functions as well as evaluation of possible functional cuts for a modular structure
- Verification of the solution approach through a market survey
- System-technical concept with analysis of the basic system-technical boundary conditions and the required interfaces as well as the framework conditions for system operation
- Implementation concept for the development of the platform