Engineering Services for the 110 kV Underground Cable Connection of the "South" Substation to a 110 kV Overhead Line, Heidelberg

In Heidelberg, a 110 kV underground cable connection was to be created between the "South" substation and a 110 kV overhead line. Two masts were available for selection, and the cable route was to be laid under existing service roads if possible. CONSULECTRA provided the necessary planning services for basic evaluation and preplanning.

  • Basic evaluation and preliminary planning including cost estimate
  • Network calculations with CYMCAP (cable dimensioning and transmission capability)
  • Surveying
  • Complete civil engineering planning incl. trenchless crossing of main roads (directional boring)
  • Structural analysis and calculations for the cable elevation on two overhead line towers and for the cable support structure and its foundations
Technical Data
  • Two cable/empty conduit systems 110 kV (260 MVA), cable type 2XS(FL)2Y
  • Four cable/empty conduit systems 20 kV (40 MVA), cable type N2XS(FL)2Y

Stadtwerke Heidelberg Netze GmbH
Stadtwerke Heidelberg Netze GmbH
2017 - 2019
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